ReHealthier is an Award-Winning Personalized Healthy Eating Analytic Platform. ReHealthier aggregates eating habits of millions of users, how those habits are affecting their long-term health as well as the interlinkages between them by using deep learning and big data analytics technologies.The TWO core solution are namely:- ReHealthier AI Health Report- ReHealthier AI Portable Dietitian
ReHealthier is an Award-Winning Personalized Healthy Eating Analytic Platform. ReHealthier consolidates information from widely adopted nutrition diagnosis guidelines, food nutrients information and a group of professional nutritionists and correlates them to user’s eating habits, where machine learning and AI algorithms are used. ReHealthier aggregates eating habits of millions of users, how those habits are affecting their long-term health as well as the interlinkages between them.The TWO core solution are namely:- ReHealthier AI Health Report- ReHealthier AI Portable DietitianWebsite Demo: 是一個屢獲殊榮的個人化健康飲食分析平台。ReHealthier 整合了廣泛的營養診斷指南、食物營養信息和專業營養師的意見,並將它們與用戶的飲食習慣相關聯,其中使用了機器學習和人工智能算法。ReHealthier 匯總了數百萬 個用戶的飲食習慣和如何影響他們的長期健康之間的相互聯繫。兩個核心方案:- ReHealthier AI 健康報告- ReHealthier AI 隨身營養師
30g Fibre = 20 Years Younger Your Cholesterol | ReHealthier Analytics | Fitness | Healthy Diet
Eat Rite | ReHealthier Analytics | AI Dietitian
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A. Healthy Diet
B. Sports
C. Drugs